A tuberosity is a small round protrusion that begins to grow after the last molar on your upper jaw. It is bony on the inside and surrounded by tissue on the outside. Most of the people who have it live perfectly with it as it does not pose a direct threat to one's oral health especially when they have all their teeth. However, there are dental procedures that require a reduction of the tuberosity.
How Is Tuberosity Reduction Done?
First, the dentist has to get an x-ray of the tuberosity. Then after studying it, they need to come up with conclusions about how much tissue and bone needs to be removed. The next step is to prepare the patient for surgery. This includes putting them on anesthesia and having a visual guide on the process of reduction about to take place. When the tissue removal and grinding at the bone are done, the wound is stitched up and the patient is given instructions for the best recovery. This is a process that will be completed in less than an hour.
When Do I Need To Undertake Tuberosity Reduction?
There are two times when a patient requires a reduction of their tuberosity. The first is when they are getting dentures. With a protrusion hanging from the upper jaw, it becomes difficult for a denture to fit perfectly falling in sync with the roof of the mouth. In this case, the dentist will have to reduce the tuberosity to a point where a denture fits perfectly without any hindrance. The second procedure that requires this type of correction is during dental implants. If the tuberosity is too long, the artificial tooth may end up taking an unusual shape.
This is a delicate procedure that requires the care of professionals. Call us or schedule an appointment to get more information on tuberosity reduction and related questions.
About |Dental Implants Wilmington, DE | Delaware Periodontics We here at Delaware Periodontics want our patients to maintain healthy, bright, and beautiful smiles. Call us today to schedule an appointment! Delaware Periodontics - Dr Brad Klassman, 1110 N Bancroft Pkwy, Wilmington, DE 19805 + 302-551-3553 + delawareperiodontics.com + 1/11/2025 + Key Phrases: Dental Implants Wilmington De +