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What Is Different About A Dental Cleaning And Deep Cleaning For Gum Disease?

Posted on 2/2/2024 by Weo Admin
Image of a person showing gums, at Delaware Periodontics. Many people don't know that teeth cleaning and deep cleaning are not the same thing when it comes to gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease are the most common diseases to strike people. Over 90% of all Americans suffer from tooth decay or gum disease during their lifetimes. Here is an explanation of how dental cleaning and deep cleanings differ.

Dental Cleaning

In a traditional dental cleaning, a dental hygienist will take a look at all of your teeth. They will then use dental tools to scrape any plaque and tartar off your teeth and gums. Your teeth will also be x-rayed during the dental visit. Once your teeth have been scraped, they will be polished, so they are silky smooth. A dentist will also check your teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth for any signs of trouble. Often, it is during a dental cleaning that dentists discover gum disease.

Deep Cleaning for Gum Disease

When a dentist first spots gum disease, it may look like inflamed gums or gums that are red and swollen. If you are lucky, you will only have Stage One gum disease, which is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is curable and doesn't do lasting damage to your gums. However, if you have been diagnosed with Stage Two or Stage Three gum disease, also called periodontitis, you need to undergo treatment regularly to keep your gums as healthy as possible.

In a deep cleaning, a dentist will work with tools and lasers to get off the tartar along your gumline and below it as well. As gum disease progresses, pockets or spaces appear between your teeth and gums. These pockets have to be cleaned about four times a year to keep your gums healthy. Without deep cleaning, people with gum disease begin to lose teeth, and the infection can spread to other parts of their bodies. That's why it is so important to keep your teeth clean- no matter if it is a standard dental cleaning or a deep cleaning.

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Delaware Periodontics - Dr Brad Klassman, 1110 N Bancroft Pkwy, Wilmington, DE 19805 ~ 302-551-3553 ~ ~ 2/6/2025 ~ Related Terms: Dental Implants Wilmington De ~